11 Ways to Use find Command in Linux to Search Files/Directory

The find command is Linux is one of the most useful commands  for searching files and directories. At first the find command syntax might look a bit daunting, but once we get a hang of it, the find command is a great asset.

How to print all files and directories in current directory?

find . -print

How to print all files with details?

find . -type f -ls

How to print only files in current directory, no directories?

find . -type f

How to print only directories in current directory, no files?

find . -type d

How to find all directories in the current directory and their disk usage?

find * -prune -type d -exec du -skh {} \;

How to find files whose names have the string “cmd”?

find . -type f -name “*cmd*”

How to find files whose names have the string “cmd” or “line”?

find . -type f -name “*cmd*” -or -name “*line*”

How to find files whose names have the string “cmd” and “line”?

find . -type f -name “*cmd*” -and -name “*line*”

How to add all files with “.py” at the end?

find . -type f -exec mv {} {}.py

How to find all files larger than 10M?

find . -size +10M -print

How to find all files that were changed within the last 60 minutes?

find . -ctime -60m