9 Ways to Manipulate Strings in Python

Python is great for string manipulation. Python’s string manipulation ability was definitely one of the reasons for its popularity initially. Python’s built-in methods lets you do most common string manipulations. Here are the String object methods in Python and how to use them.

s = 'built-in methods to manipulate strings in Python'

1. How to Check a String Ends With a Suffix?

Python String object’s method endswith is great to see if a string/text ends with a specific suffix. It returns True, when the string ends with the suffix, False otherwise.

s = 'built-in methods to manipulate strings in Python'

2. How to Check a String Starts With a Prefix?

Python String object also has a method startswith to see a string/text starts with a specific prefix. It returns True, when the string starts with the prefix, False otherwise.

s = 'built-in methods to manipulate strings in Python'

3. How to Find If A Substring Is in a String?

Often you want to check if a string contains a substring. The best way to do that is use ‘in’ statement in Python.

s = 'is this substring in string?'
'substring' in  s

4. How To Split a String in Python

Often you want to split a text or string using a delimiter and create a list of words in the string. Python’s split() method lets you split a string. By default, split uses consecutive whitespace in the string as a single separator and gets you a list.

>s = 'How to Split a String in Python'
['How', 'to', 'Split', 'a', 'String', 'in', 'Python']

You can also specify a delimiter to split method. Here, we split the string with the letter ‘a’ as delimiter.

>s = 'How to Split a String in Python'
['How to Split ', ' String in Python']

5. How To Join a List of Strings into a String in Python?

Often one wants to join or concatenate list of strings into a single string. Python’s join() method can be used join strings. While joining we can also specify how we want to join with a delimiter.

s = 'How to Join a list of strings?'
s_list = s.split()
" ".join(s_list)

6. How To Remove Whitespaces in a String in Python?

Python has three related methods, strip(), lstrip(),rstrip() to remove whitespaces in strings. Let us see examples of using strip(), lstrip(), rstrip() here.

Let us create a text with white spaces in the beginning and in the end.

s = ' Python strip examples '

strip() method removes both the whitespaces, the ones in the beginning and in the end

'Python strip examples'

lstrip() method removes only the left whitespaces and thus leaves the one at the end of the string.

'Python strip examples '

rstrip() method removes only the right whitespaces and thus leaves the one at the beginning of the string.

' Python strip examples'

7. How To Convert to Lower Case?

Python String objects’ lower() method is to convert a string into lower case letters.

>s = 'How To Convert a String to Lower Case'
'how to convert a string to lower case'

8. How To Convert to Upper Case?

Python String objects’ upper() method is for converting a string into upper case. Note all letters in the string will be capitalized.

>s = 'How To Convert a String to Upper Case'

9. How To Convert to Title Case?

Python’s title() method converts a string to a titlecased version, where the first letter of each word is capitalized, while the characters are lowercase.

>s = 'how to convert a string to title case?'
'How To Convert A String To Title Case?'