In this post we will see how to get top N rows from a data frame such that the top values of a specific variable in each group defined by another variable. Note this is not the same as top N rows according to one variable in the whole dataframe.
Let us say we have gapminder data frame that has life expectancy values for countries in five continents. And we would like to see top 3 countries (rows) with large life expectancies (descending order) in each continent. Basically, we need top N rows in each group.
We earlier wrote a post on getting top N rows in a data frame, but this one has a slight twist 🙂 See the blogpost,”How to Select Top N Rows with the Largest Values in a Column(s) in Pandas?”
top N rows in each group: Step by Step
Getting top N rows with in each group involves multiple steps. First, let us see how to get top N rows within each group step by step and later we can combine some of the steps.
Let us first load gapminder data frame from Carpentries site and filter the data frame to contain data for the year 2007.
data_url = '' gapminder = pd.read_csv(data_url) gapminder_2007 = gapminder[gapminder.year==2007]
Let us load Pandas.
# load pandas import pandas as pd
Since we want to find top N countries with highest life expectancy in each continent group, let us group our dataframe by “continent” using Pandas’s groupby function. We save the resulting grouped dataframe into a new variable.
df1 = gapminder_2007.groupby(["continent"])
Remember, the resulting grouped dataframe has all the data, but for each group (here continent) separately. Next, we take the grouped dataframe and use the function apply in Pandas to sort each group within the grouped data frame. Since we want top countries with highest life expectancy, we sort by the variable “lifeExp”. Inside apply function, we use lambda function to perform sorting by “lifeExp”.
df2= df1.apply(lambda x: x.sort_values(["lifeExp"]
We have saved the resulting grouped and sorted dataframe into another variable. If you take a look at the content of this grouped and sorted dataframe, we can see that it has multi-index one for continent and the other index for row numbers.
df2 country year pop continent lifeExp gdpPercap continent Africa 1271 Reunion 2007 798094.0 Africa 76.442 7670.122558 911 Libya 2007 6036914.0 Africa 73.952 12057.499280 1571 Tunisia 2007 10276158.0 Africa 73.923 7092.923025
We can reset the index using “reset_index” function. Here we use “drop=True” option to avoid index being added as column to the resulting data frame.
>df3=df2.reset_index(drop=True) >df3.head() country year pop continent lifeExp gdpPercap 0 Reunion 2007 798094.0 Africa 76.442 7670.122558 1 Libya 2007 6036914.0 Africa 73.952 12057.499280 2 Tunisia 2007 10276158.0 Africa 73.923 7092.923025
So, now we have a sorted dataframe. If you examine the rows, we can see that first we have countries from Afria with lifeExp in descending order and the next are other continents sorted by lifeExp in descending order.
Now we are ready to select N rows from each group, in this example “continent”.
We can use groupby function with “continent” as argument and use head() function to select the first N rows. Since the rows within each continent is sorted by lifeExp, we will get top N rows with high lifeExp for each continent.
Let us see the top most country with high lifeExp in each continent.
Here is the topmost row in each group.
country year pop continent lifeExp gdpPercap 0 Reunion 2007 798094.0 Africa 76.442 7670.122558 52 Canada 2007 33390141.0 Americas 80.653 36319.235010 77 Japan 2007 127467972.0 Asia 82.603 31656.068060 110 Iceland 2007 301931.0 Europe 81.757 36180.789190 140 Australia 2007 20434176.0 Oceania 81.235 34435.367440
We got the top N rows within each group in multiple steps. We can combine these steps by chaining the commands. Here we have chained the steps so that there are just two steps to get top N rows within each group. And we will get the same answer as above.
# get dataframe sorted by life Expectancy in each continent g = gapminder_2007.groupby(["continent"]).apply(lambda x: x.sort_values(["lifeExp"], ascending = False)).reset_index(drop=True) # select top N rows within each continent g.groupby('continent').head(1)