Pandas pct_change() to compute percent change across columns/rows

Pandas Compute Percent Change
Pandas pct_change()

In this tutorial, we will see how to compute percent change for values in each column. Pandas’ pct_change() function will compute percent change for each value in a column when compared to the previous element in the column by default. Another way to think is

Computes the percentage change from the immediately previous row

Pandas’ pct_change() function is extremely handy for comparing the percentage of change in a time series data.

Pandas pct_change()

First, let us load Pandas library and create some toy time series data.

import pandas as pd

Let us create a dataframe with the top tech companies earnings over the last four years. We have the earnings per company as lists.

year=[2017, 2018, 2019, 2020]
facebook =[15934000000, 22112000000, 18485000000, 29146000000]
google= [12662000000, 30736000000, 34343000000, 40269000000]
microsoft= [25489000000, 16571000000, 39240000000, 44281000000]

We can create a Pandas dataframe from these four lists.

df = pd.DataFrame({"facebook":facebook,
                   "google": google,
                   "microsoft": microsoft},

In our toy time series data we have three columns (companies) and the year as index.


        facebook	google	microsoft
2017	15934000000	12662000000	25489000000
2018	22112000000	30736000000	16571000000
2019	18485000000	34343000000	39240000000
2020	29146000000	40269000000	44281000000

Pandas pct_change() function to compute percent change

We can use pct_change() function and compute percentage of change in revenues for each company comparing to previous year.


You can see that the first row is NaN as there is nothing before that. And for the rest of the rows we have percent change in earnings with respect to previous year.

        facebook	google	microsoft
2017	NaN	NaN	NaN
2018	0.387724	1.427421	-0.349876
2019	-0.164029	0.117354	1.367992
2020	0.576738	0.172553	0.128466

By default, pct_change() function computes using rows.


We can also compute percent change with respect of columns using the argument axis=”columns”. In this example, since the percent change with respect to column does not make sense, we transpose the dataframe before using pct_change().


              2017	2018	2019	2020
facebook	NaN	0.387724	-0.164029	0.576738
google	NaN	1.427421	0.117354	0.172553
microsoft	NaN	-0.349876	1.367992	0.128466

We can also specify which rows we want to use to compute percent change using “period” argument. For example, to compute the percent change with respect to two years or rows before, we use “period=2” argument. Here we basically compare earnings from year 2019 to 2017 and 2020 to 2020. Because of this we have NaN in the forst two rows. This argument is extremely useful for comparing quarterly earnings/revenue change.

facebook	google	microsoft
2017	NaN	NaN	NaN
2018	NaN	NaN	NaN
2019	0.160098	1.712289	0.539488
2020	0.318108	0.310157	1.672198

Compute Percent change with missing data with pct_change()

Another useful feature of pct_change() function is that it can handle missing data. Let us create a list with missing values.

google= [12662, 30736, None, 40269]
year=[2017, 2018, 2019, 2020]
facebook =[15934, 22112, 18485, 29146]
microsoft= [25489, 16571, 39240, 44281]

We can create a dataframe using the list with missing values.

df = pd.DataFrame({"facebook":facebook,
                   "google": google,
                   "microsoft": microsoft},

We can see that Google column has a single missing value.


	facebook	google	microsoft
2017	15934	12662.0	25489
2018	22112	30736.0	16571
2019	18485	NaN	39240
2020	29146	40269.0	44281

By default, pct_change() deals with missing data and using the method “bfill”, that uses “next valid observation to fill gap”

	facebook	google	microsoft
2017	NaN	NaN	NaN
2018	0.387724	1.427421	-0.349876
2019	-0.164029	0.000000	1.367992
2020	0.576738	0.310157	0.128466

The argument to specify fill method is fill_method.

	facebook	google	microsoft
2017	NaN	NaN	NaN
2018	0.387724	1.427421	-0.349876
2019	-0.164029	0.310157	1.367992
2020	0.576738	0.000000	0.128466

Another way to fill the missing values is to use the forward fill using fill_mehtod=”ffill”.


	facebook	google	microsoft
2017	NaN	NaN	NaN
2018	0.387724	1.427421	-0.349876
2019	-0.164029	0.000000	1.367992
2020	0.576738	0.310157	0.128466