How to Change the Order of Columns in a Pandas Dataframe

How to Change Order of Columns in Pandas
How to Change Column Order in Pandas

In this tutorial, we will learn how to change the order of columns in Pandas dataframe. We can change the order of the columns in multiple. Here, we will see two ways to change the order of the columns.

How to Change Column Order in Pandas

First, let us load Pandas.

import pandas as pd

We will use gapminder dataset to change the column orders. Let us load gapminder dataset directly from’s github page.

data_link = ""
df = pd.read_csv(data_link)

Our data looks like this.


country	year	pop	continent	lifeExp	gdpPercap
0	Afghanistan	1952	8425333.0	Asia	28.801	779.445314
1	Afghanistan	1957	9240934.0	Asia	30.332	820.853030
2	Afghanistan	1962	10267083.0	Asia	31.997	853.100710
3	Afghanistan	1967	11537966.0	Asia	34.020	836.197138
4	Afghanistan	1972	13079460.0	Asia	36.088	739.981106

In this dataframe the columns are ordered as

['country', 'year', 'pop', 'continent', 'lifeExp', 'gdpPercap']

Let us say we want to change the column orders in a specific way. Here is an example order that we want.

col_order = ["continent","country", "lifeExp","pop","gdpPercap"]

Change Order of Columns in a Dataframe

One of the ways to change the column orders is to use the list containing the new column order and subset the dataframe as shown below.

df_new = df[col_order]

The resulting dataframe will contain the columns in the order we want.


	continent	country	lifeExp	pop	gdpPercap
0	Asia	Afghanistan	28.801	8425333.0	779.445314
1	Asia	Afghanistan	30.332	9240934.0	820.853030
2	Asia	Afghanistan	31.997	10267083.0	853.100710
3	Asia	Afghanistan	34.020	11537966.0	836.197138
4	Asia	Afghanistan	36.088	13079460.0	739.981106

Change Column Orders with Pandas reindex()

Another way to change the order of columns of a Pandas dataframe is to use Pandas reindex() function and use the list with the new column order we need.

Here we need to specify that we are re-indexing the columns, by using the argument “columns”.

df_new = df.reindex(columns=col_order)

continent	country	lifeExp	pop	gdpPercap
0	Asia	Afghanistan	28.801	8425333.0	779.445314
1	Asia	Afghanistan	30.332	9240934.0	820.853030
2	Asia	Afghanistan	31.997	10267083.0	853.100710
3	Asia	Afghanistan	34.020	11537966.0	836.197138
4	Asia	Afghanistan	36.088	13079460.0	739.981106

If you are interested changing just one of the column’s position. check out Pandas insert() function to move a column to a specific location.