3 Different ways to add regression line in ggplot2

Add regression line to scatterplot using geom_line()

In this post, we will learn how to add simple regression line in three different ways to a scatter plot made with ggplot2 in R. This is something I have to google almost every time, so here is the post recording the options to add linear regression line. We will use palmer penguin data to… Continue reading 3 Different ways to add regression line in ggplot2

dplyr matches(): select columns using regular expression

This quick post has an example using a neat dplyr function matches() to select columns using regular expressions. dplyr has a number of helper functions, contains(), starts_with() and others, for selecting columns based on certain condition. For example if you interested selecting columns based on how its starts with we can use start_with() function. However,… Continue reading dplyr matches(): select columns using regular expression

How to create a list of plot objects and save them as files

How to make a list of ggplots using map() in purrr

In this post, we will learn a really nice trick on creating multiple ggplots from a dataframe and saving the plots into files using ggsave, using tidyverse purrr’s magic. We will use Purrr’s map function to create multiple plots from a dataframe and use another Purrr function pwalk to save the plots as files. Learned… Continue reading How to create a list of plot objects and save them as files

On the effect of sample sizes on Sample Variance

Effect of Sample Size on Sample Variance

Often we work with datasets of small sample sizes and rely on sample variances estimated from such datasets. One thing I have come across multiple times is that we lack the intuition/sense of how unreliable our sample variance estimates from data sets of small sample size can be. And I resort to a quick simulated… Continue reading On the effect of sample sizes on Sample Variance

How to write a simple custom ggplot theme from scratch

Reusing custom theme in ggplot

In this post, we will learn how to write your first custom ggplot2 theme and show how to use it to make the plots slightly easier/better. ggplot2 offers us great control to customize a plot. In earlier posts we saw how to use different theme elements, element_text(), element_line(), element_rect(), element_blank() to change to customize a… Continue reading How to write a simple custom ggplot theme from scratch