How to Install Spotify in Linux?

Spotify, the digital music service, that has made listening to music more social has crossed the Atlantic ocean and landed in US. With Spotify, you dont need to buy songs any more. Instead, for a monthly subscription, the whole world of music is yours to stream to almost any device (Well almost).

Needless to say if you are on Linux and want to enjoy the goodness of Spotify Music, you have the preview build of Spotify for Linux. Spotify for Linux is still a preview version and available only as premium subscriber as Spotify has not yet figured out displaying ads on Linux yet.

Here is how to install Spotify for Linux in your favorite Linux distributions.( Debian Squeeze/Ubuntu 10.04 package and for Fedora 13, i386 and x86_64)

In Debian, go to “/etc/apt/sources.list” and edit to add the line

deb stable non-free

The line adds to your list of repositories.

To verify the downloaded packages, add Spotify’s public key

sudo apt-key adv –keyserver –recv-keys 4E9CFF4E

Run apt-get update

sudo apt-get update

And finally install spotify!

sudo apt-get install spotify-client-qt spotify-client-gnome-support