Paste command examples in Linux/Mac OS

The Linux command paste is one of the powerful commands that can be used to “merge multiple files in to a single file” and also “collapse multiple lines in a single file to a new file”. Here are some basic examples of using the paste command. Paste command to merge multiple files into a single… Continue reading Paste command examples in Linux/Mac OS

How to join PDF files in Mac on Terminal?

In Mac, you can use Preview to join multiple pdf files into a single pdf file. A more convenient way is to join/merge multiple pdf files from command line on Terminal. More recent Mac OS X versions already have Python script to merge multiple pdf files into a single pdf file. Here is how to… Continue reading How to join PDF files in Mac on Terminal?

10 Easy Bash Shell Aliases

Aliases are great way to simplify the terminal experience. Basically an alias is a command line shortcut that allows one personalize the way one interact with Linux commands. The basic idea is to come with a simple version of your favorite command and add it to .bashrc file so that you can reuse the simple… Continue reading 10 Easy Bash Shell Aliases

How to Fold a Long Single Line Text to Multiple Lines (in Python and Linux)?

You might want to convert a really long string in a single line into multiple lines with specified width. For example, if you have string like 12345678912345678912345678912345678912345678910 and want to split the long text to multi-line text, where each line is of length w, like w=9 123456789 123456789 123456789 123456789 123456789 10 In the above… Continue reading How to Fold a Long Single Line Text to Multiple Lines (in Python and Linux)?

11 Ways to Use find Command in Linux to Search Files/Directory

The find command is Linux is one of the most useful commands  for searching files and directories. At first the find command syntax might look a bit daunting, but once we get a hang of it, the find command is a great asset. How to print all files and directories in current directory? find .… Continue reading 11 Ways to Use find Command in Linux to Search Files/Directory