String Manipulations in Pandas

Python is known for its ability to manipulate strings. Pandas extends Python’s ability to do string manipulations on a data frame by offering a suit of most common string operations that are vectorized and are great for cleaning real world datasets.

Let us some simple examples of string manipulations in Pandas

# let us import pandas
import pandas as pd

Let us use gapminder dataframe from software carpentry website and load it as a Pandas data frame. Let us filter the data to make the dataframe smaller and compact using Pandas filtering functionalities.

gapminder = pd.read_csv(gapminder_url)
gapminder_ocean = gapminder[ (gapminder.year >2000) & (gapminder.continent== 'Oceania')]

The resulting data frame gapminder_ocean contains data from just Australia and New Zealand.

How to Find Elements Starting with a Specific Letter?

We will use Pandas chaining operator “.” to combine multiple commands. Pandas’ str.startswith() will help find elements that starts with the pattern that we specify. For example to see, if there is any country starting with letter “T” in the data frame, we use


This will result in a boolean True or False depending on if the element starts with T or not.

70      False
71      False
1102    False
1103    False
Name: country, dtype: bool

How to Check if an element contains a pattern in Pandas?

Similarly, we can use str.contains to check if a pattern is present in each element of a column in Pandas. We will get a boolean Series.'New')

How to Split Text of a column in Pandas?

We can use str.split to split a text in a column. To split a column, we use

We will get a list of tokens using the delimiter single “space”.

70         [Australia]
71         [Australia]
1102    [New, Zealand]
1103    [New, Zealand]

How to Find the length of each element of column?

We can use str.len to get the length of all the elements in a column.
70       9
71       9
1102    11
1103    11
Name: country, dtype: int64

How to Capitalize the First Letter of all elements in Column in Pandas?

We can use str.capitalize to capitalize the first letter.

How to Capitalize the whole word of all elements in Column in Pandas?

We can use str.upper to capitalize all the letters of an element in column.

How to Convert to Lower Case of the whole word of all elements in Column in Pandas?

We can use str.lower to convert to lower case.

How to Check if all elements in a Column is Numeric in Pandas?

We can use str.isnumeric to check if an element is numeric or not. If it is numeric, we will get True, False otherwise.