Book Review: Python Data Science Handbook

Book Review: Python Data Science Handbook

Finally, a Book Review. It is long over due. During the last few years, used a lot of interesting books on Data Science and Machine Learning for learning and teaching. Hoping to add reviews of the useful Data Science books that I have used, periodically. Here is the first book review on Python Data Science… Continue reading Book Review: Python Data Science Handbook

6 Free Books to Learn Python for Data Science

Python is one of the top/growing programming languages for doing data science. If you are interested in learning Data Science with Python, there are a number of fantastic books and resources available online for free from top data scientists. Here is a list of best books for learning Python for data science. Current list contains… Continue reading 6 Free Books to Learn Python for Data Science

How To Convert a Column to Row Name/Index in Pandas?

Pandas has a method set_index to covert a column in Pandas dataframe into rowname or row index. Let us see an example of converting a column name into rowname in Pandas. Let us load pandas as “pd”. Let us use real-world gapminder data from vega_datasets. Convert a Column to Row Name Let us convert the… Continue reading How To Convert a Column to Row Name/Index in Pandas?

Short videos to Learn Basics of Probability and Statistics

Basic concepts in Probability and statistics are at the heart of Data Science. And there is no better person than Prof.Joe Blitzstein to learn Probability and statistics. Joe has come up with amazing short videos explaining the basic concepts for his new course. If you are data science beginner or a veteran, Joe’s short videos… Continue reading Short videos to Learn Basics of Probability and Statistics

vega_datasets: A Python Package for Datasets

When you are trying to learn the basics of data science or trying out a new Machine Learning algorithm, an important thing you need is a suitable real world dataset. Often, getting the data set in the right format may be tricky and one may need to spend too much time to search, download and… Continue reading vega_datasets: A Python Package for Datasets