When you are trying to learn the basics of data science or trying out a new Machine Learning algorithm, an important thing you need is a suitable real world dataset. Often, getting the data set in the right format may be tricky and one may need to spend too much time to search, download and […]
Pandas DataFrame
How To Reset Index in Pandas Dataframe?
In this post, we will learn how to reset index in Pandas dataframe starting from zero. We will use pandas reset_index() function to reset index of a dataframe. Often you start with a big dataframe in Pandas and after manipulating and filtering the data frame you will end up with much smaller data frame. When […]
How To Drop One or More Columns in Pandas Dataframe?
Often while working with a bigger pandas dataframe with multiple columns, one wants to drop a column or multiple columns from a pandas dataframe. One typically drops columns, if the columns are not needed for further analysis. Pandas drop function allows you to drop/remove one or more columns from a dataframe. Let us see some […]
How To Change Column Names and Row Indexes in Pandas?
One of the most common operations one might do while cleaning the data or doing exploratory data analysis in doing data science is manipulating/fixing the column names or row names. In this post, we will see How to rename columns of pandas dataframe? How to change row names or row indexes of a pandas dataframe? […]
How to Make Boxplots in Python with Pandas and Seaborn?
Boxplot, introduced by John Tukey in his classic book Exploratory Data Analysis close to 50 years ago, is great for visualizing data distributions from multiple groups. Boxplot captures the summary of the data efficiently with a simple box and whiskers and allows us to compare easily across groups. Boxplots summarizes a sample data using 25th, […]