The power of ggplot2 lies in making it easy to make great plots and in easily tweaking it to the one wants. Sometimes, one might want to highlight certain data points in a plot in different color. Here we will see an example of highlighting specific data points in a plot. Let us first load […]
Getting started with ggforce – a ggplot2 extension package
ggforce, R package extension for ggplot, has got a big upgrade with lot of new functions. ggforce was introduced about to years ago with the aim to provide missing functionalities in ggplot2. ggforce provides a a repository of geoms, stats, etc. that are as well documented and implemented as the official ones found in ggplot2. […]
How To Change Axis Tick Marks in R?
One of most common things one might do while making plots is to change tiny details of the plot to make them better. Often, one of such adjustments are changing x-axis tick mark label/text on a plot made with ggplot2 in R. Let us use ggplot2 to make plot first and then fix its x-axis […]
Book Review – Data Visualization: A Practical Introduction
Data Visualization: A Practical Introduction by Duke University Professor Kieran Healy is a great introduction Data Visualization. If you have not heard of the book before, here is a little back story. The author, Kieran Healy developed the book using R Bookdown and made the whole book available online for free. Yes, it is available […]
How To Make Grouped Boxplots with ggplot2?
Boxplots are great to visualize distributions of multiple variables. ggplot2 is great to make beautiful boxplots really quickly. Sometimes, you may have multiple sub-groups for a variable of interest. In those situation, it is very useful to visualize using “grouped boxplots”. In R, ggplot2 package offers multiple options to visualize such grouped boxplots. Let us […]