In this bite sized post, we will see how to compute column means in R using tidyverse. We will compute column means for a couple of scenarios. First we will see how to compute column means of a dataframe with no missing values. And then we will compute column means with missing values. We will […]
R Tips
How to Write Functions to Make Plots with ggplot2 in R
Okay here is a confession. Often I preach writing functions to simplify life at work. Although I try to follow the “writing functions” mantra decently, there is a grey area where I don’t use functions that much. Any guesses? Often make tonnes of exploratory plots with ggplot2 with tons of repetition of code with slight […]
15 Tips to Customize lines in ggplot2 with element_line()
As part of understanding and fine tuning ggplot2’s theme elements, we will focus on the anatomy of line elements and see 15 tips to control them with ggplot2’s theme system. With ggplot2’s theme system we can control the “non-data” elements of a plot made with ggplot2. ggplot2’s theme system comes with multiple element_ functions, element_text() […]
10 Tips to Customize Text Color, Font, Size in ggplot2 with element_text()
ggplot2’s theme system give us a great control over how the “non-data” elements of a plot should look like. The theme system helps elevate the plot you make by making finer changes and make it easy to look better. ggplot2’s theme system comes with multiple element_ functions, element_text() element_line() element_rect() element_blank() And they help control […]
How To Categorize Multiple Numerical Columns in R
Recently I had to convert a numerical matrix into categorical ones based on some conditions. Obviously there are multiple ways to go about. One of the key functions to categorize a numerical vector in R is to use cut() function, that allows to specify the intervals to categorize a numerical variable. Till now I was […]