Most Useful R Packages for Data Science

Ever wondered what are the most useful R packages for doing Data Science? Don’t have to wonder anymore, RStudio has collated a list of most useful R packages in its github repository titled “RStartHere“. How did R Studio come up with the list for doing Data Science? RStudio used the iconic Data Science work flow… Continue reading Most Useful R Packages for Data Science

Reticulate: a RStudio package to use both R and Python from R Markdown

Do you love working with Python, but just can’t get enough of ggplot, R Markdown or any other tidyverse packages. You are not alone, many love both R and Python and use them all the time. Now RStudio, has made reticulate package that offers awesome set of tools for interoperability between Python and R. One… Continue reading Reticulate: a RStudio package to use both R and Python from R Markdown

Slide Decks and Packages in Tweets from 2018 rstudio::conf

2018 RStudio conference, one of the interesting conferences for anyone interested in R and RStudio just ended over the weekend. In case you missed it, twitter was abuzz with interesting bytes from the conference, including cool new R package that was presented and slides of the talks. Here is a compilation of tweets containing slides,… Continue reading Slide Decks and Packages in Tweets from 2018 rstudio::conf