The power of ggplot2 lies in making it easy to make great plots and in easily tweaking it to the one wants. Sometimes, one might want to highlight certain data points in a plot in different color. Here we will see an example of highlighting specific data points in a plot. Let us first load […]
tidyverse 101
How to Recode a Column with dplyr in R?
Sometimes, when working with a dataframe, you may want the values of a variable/column of interest in a specific way. You might like to change or recode the values of the column. R offers many ways to recode a column. Here we will see a simple example of recoding a column with two values using […]
Getting started with ggforce – a ggplot2 extension package
ggforce, R package extension for ggplot, has got a big upgrade with lot of new functions. ggforce was introduced about to years ago with the aim to provide missing functionalities in ggplot2. ggforce provides a a repository of geoms, stats, etc. that are as well documented and implemented as the official ones found in ggplot2. […]
9 Ways To Create New Variables with tidyverse
When one wants to create a new variable in R using tidyverse, dplyr’s mutate verb is probably the easiest one that comes to mind that lets you create a new column or new variable easily on the fly. It is probably the go to command for every time one needed to make new variable for […]