How to Filter a Pandas Dataframe Based on Null Values of a Column?

Real datasets are messy and often they contain missing data. Python’s pandas can easily handle missing data or NA values in a dataframe. One of the common tasks of dealing with missing data is to filter out the part with missing values in a few ways. One might want to filter the pandas dataframe based… Continue reading How to Filter a Pandas Dataframe Based on Null Values of a Column?

Crash Course on Machine Learning from Google for Free

Want to learn Machine Learning? Who else is better than Google. Google is offering a free online crash course on Machine Learning with the focus on using TensorFlow APIs. Is that Google Machine Learning Course For You? Google’s Machine Learning Crash Course is for the beginners and it is self contained. The course does not… Continue reading Crash Course on Machine Learning from Google for Free

JupyterLab is Here: First Impressions


JupyterLab, the next-generation web-based user interface for Python and R from Project Jupyter. It is still a beta release, but stable for daily use. One of the cool features of JupyterLab is that it is the go to browser based app for classic Jupyter Notebook, file browser for your computer files, text editor and a… Continue reading JupyterLab is Here: First Impressions

How To Randomly Select Rows in Pandas?

Creaating unbiased training and testing data sets are key for all Machine Learning tasks. Pandas’ sample function lets you randomly sample data from Pandas data frame and help with creating unbiased sampled datasets. It is a great way to get downsampled data frame and work with it. In this post, we will learn three ways… Continue reading How To Randomly Select Rows in Pandas?

Python 3 Guide for Data Scientists

In case you missed it, there won’t be any support Python 2 by 2020. The last Python 2 update was for Python 2.7. So if you are interested in Data Science and learning Python, start with Python 3. If you already program with Python 2, it is time to migrate to Python 3. Alex Rogozhnikov,… Continue reading Python 3 Guide for Data Scientists