Pandas is one of the popular Python package for manipulating data frames. Pandas is built on top of NumPy and thus it makes data manipulation fast and easy. One of the most common things one might do in data science/data analysis is to load or read in csv file. Here we see 7 examples to […]
How to Use Lambda Functions in Python?
Python lets you create a function on the go, but without really assigning a name to the function. These “anonymous” functions are called “Lambda Functions”. One typically writes a lambda function on the fly, when one wants to write a function for one-time use. Lambda Functions come handy in a variety of situations and are […]
How to read entire text file in Python?
Often one might need to read the entire content of a text file (or flat file) at once in python. In this post, we showed an example of reading the whole file and reading a text file line by line. Here is another way to import the entire content of a text file.
Three Ways to Merge (or flatten) Lists in Python
Often you may have to flatten a list of lists or merge multiple lists into a single list in python. Obviously there are multiple ways to go about it. Here are three ways to flatten or merge lists in to a list. Merge with “+” Operator” If you have three separate lists like [1, 2, […]
How to join PDF files in Mac on Terminal?
In Mac, you can use Preview to join multiple pdf files into a single pdf file. A more convenient way is to join/merge multiple pdf files from command line on Terminal. More recent Mac OS X versions already have Python script to merge multiple pdf files into a single pdf file. Here is how to […]