Lesser known Seaborn Tips and Tricks

Seaborn Trick Quick Gradient Palette

Want to learn lesser known Seaborn tips and tricks from Micheal Waskom, the developer of Seaborn? Check out his periodical tweets since early this year. Stumbled upon this thread while searching for a specific Seaborn help and worked through some of the tips. Here are a few examples of lesser known Seaborn tips and tricks.… Continue reading Lesser known Seaborn Tips and Tricks

Seaborn Version 0.11.0 is here with displot, histplot and ecdfplot

Seaborn Version 0.11.0 is Here

Seaborn, one of the data visualization libraries in Python has a new version, Seaborn version 0.11, with a lot of new updates. One of the biggest changes is that Seaborn now has a beautiful logo. Jokes apart, the new version has a lot of new things to make data visualization better. This is a quick… Continue reading Seaborn Version 0.11.0 is here with displot, histplot and ecdfplot

How to Make Boxplots in Python with Pandas and Seaborn?

Plot Boxplot and swarmplot in Python with Seaborn

Boxplot, introduced by John Tukey in his classic book Exploratory Data Analysis close to 50 years ago, is great for visualizing data distributions from multiple groups. Boxplot captures the summary of the data efficiently with a simple box and whiskers and allows us to compare easily across groups. Boxplots summarizes a sample data using 25th,… Continue reading How to Make Boxplots in Python with Pandas and Seaborn?